P.O. Box 830, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

 Location: J.K Lagerra bl.5, of.1

 E-mail: bfra_hq@hotmail.com, lz3nn@abv.bg,     www.bfra.bg


Invitation for the 16th World High Speed Telegraphy Championship



The Bulgarian Federation of Radioamateurs (BFRA) has the pleasure to kindly invite teams and individuals from all over the world to take part in the 16th World High Speed Telegraphy Championship to be held in Bulgaria between 13th and 17th September 2019.


The competition venue is  ‘St.St. Konstantine and Helena’ resort, located in the northern outskirts of city of Varna, on the Black Sea coast. Accomodation  and competition grounds are provided in Estreya hotels complex.



13th September, Friday - Arrival day, Opening Ceremony and official meetings.

14th September, Saturday  – Competition day 1, Awarding Ceremony of day 1.

15th September, Sunday  – Competition day 2, Awarding Ceremony of day 2.

16th September, Monday – Spare Competition day, Excursion day, Awarding and Closing Ceremony, Banquet.

17th September, Tuesday  – Departure day.


Bulletin nr.1 contains details about transportation, transfers, accommodation, payment details etc.

Same information plus more will be available on the championship’s website www.hst2019.com  which will be launched soon.


Letter of Intent should be filled and sent to BFRA before May 15st 2019

Via snailmail to P.O.Box 830, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, or

Via email to hst2019@bfra.org or lz1pj@bfra.org .


Organizing team will be happy to meet you. We are confident CW lovers and enthusiasts will be as happy as always to attend the championship.


Sincerely yours,


Victor Tsenkov LZ3NN

BFRA President